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Adaptation Futures 2018

18 June 2018 - 21 June 2018
Cape Town, South Africa

Adaptation Futures 2018 provides an opportunity for international networking and dialogue with more than 1000 participants from academia, government, civil society and business, all aiming to take climate adaptation forward.

Adaptation Futures 2018 aims to:

  • Facilitate dialogue between research and government, civil society, international agencies and business
  • Continue the shift from problem diagnosis to solutions and innovations
  • Link adaptation action to sustainable development, investment and planning
  • Have a strong focus on Africa and the Global South
  • Provide attendance grants for delegates from developing countries
  • Encourage the participation of early career researchers and practitioners
  • Offer a variety of plenary and parallel sessions, round tables and side events
  • Offer a vibrant Adaptation Expo

The conference will bring together diverse actors working in climate adaptation to learn from and stimulate each other in what they do and how they do it: academic and applied researchers, professionals in consulting and other roles, policymakers and managers, civil society, business, those working in international bodies and multilateral bodies.


[This description originally appeared on]