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EU Central Asia Strategy: Energy for Human Rights?

Central Asia belongs to the resource-richest regions worldwide. Most probably that fact is also the main driving force of the EU's "Strategy for a New Partnership" with Central Asia, which was presented at the end of June. The new Strategy defines the EU's priorities in its bilateral and regional cooperation with Central Asian states. With the foreseen 750 Million Euro for the period of 2007 to 2013, the EU intends to implement the Strategy and open delegations in all five Central Asian states. Additionally, it plans to strengthen its cooperation with international organizations, especially the OSCE; in the environmental sphere the "Environment and Security Initiative" is explicitly mentioned in this connection.
The fields of activity highlighted in the Strategy include democratization, education, economic development, combating crime as well as energy and water resources. Regarding the latter two, the EU explicitly acknowledges the significance of energy security and regional water cooperation for regional stability and global security. Against this background, it will support the exploration of new oil, gas and hydro-power resources, fund investments in energy infrastructure, foster the development of a Central Asian energy market and promote sustainable development of the energy sector. In the area of water resources the EU plans to, among other, promote transboundary river basin management, improve water supply and sanitation, introduce efficient technologies and increase capacities.
The success of the first EU Strategy for Central Asia now depends considerably on the follow-up measures for implementation. Critical voices point out that it lacks specific targets and mile stones. Furthermore there is concern that the topics of human rights and rule of law will drop behind the EU's security and energy interests. (Annika Kramer)

The EU Paper "The EU and Central Asia: Strategy for a New Partnership" can be downloaded at


Published in:ECC-Newsletter, August 2007