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WEDO is an international organization that advocates for women's equality in global policy since 1990. The Sustainable Development Program fosters development that is ecologically sound, economically viable, and socially just. It seeks to strengthen international networking between women's and environmental groups; mobilize women's involvement in environmental and sustainable development decision-making; and advocate for gender mainstreaming in international forums. The Sustainable Development Program advocates for the inclusion of a gender perspective, women's empowerment, and a rights-based approach in environmental and sustainable development decision-making.  Current and upcoming program areas include:
  • National-level advocacy on gender and climate change in select developing countries.
  • Public awareness campaign on US re-engagement in global climate change negotiations.
  • Implementation of UNEP's (United Nations Environment Program) Global Gender Plan of Action.
  • Advocacy on strengthened environment and sustainable development governance in the context of United Nations reform.
  • Integration of a gender perspective in global environment and sustainable development policy bodies, including Multilateral Environmental Agreements, the UNEP Governing Council, and the Commission on Sustainable Development.

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